Monday, September 8, 2008

general work malaise 1

The office:
internet 'start up.'
the building is a retrofitted loft style factory
everyone in here is silent and immersed in some infintismal technical task. I contemplate doing a comparative study of alienation in the industrial era and our current internet era. It seems to me that the division of labor has accelerated to absurd proportions in our current era/ isn't this why much of our economy is built around abstract things like speculative hedge fund ventures and investments?

In this particular office, I've noticed an emerging computer tech proletariat, granted this proletariat makes a decent wage (not sure yet just how much). Many of them are either young nerdy people who never got a college degree or computer tech people imported from China. Meanwhile, the owners of this firm appear to know none of the technical code jargon that makes up terrifying percent of the labor force for the site, and instead handle the business and investment side from their spacious panoramic view upper floor offices.

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